Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. often spoke of how we are all part of “an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” These words offer a powerful image of something fundamental in our Unitarian Universalist theology: interdependence. What does the reality of interdependence ask of us as individuals and as faith communities? How do we care for each other knowing this truth?
Today’s service comes to us from the Unitarian Universalist Association, our network of congregations and organizations.
Worship leader: Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray, President, Unitarian Universalist Association
Special music: Veronika Agranov-Dafoe
Follow along in the order of service: bit.ly/uucpa_oos_20220327
Due to Weather, Both Services Indoors on March 27 — It looks as if Sunday will bring rain, which is terrific. Although it is not expected to begin raining until the afternoon, it will be cold and it seems like tempting fate to hold the 9:30 service on the patio. Therefore, both services will be held indoors.
Please be ready to show proof of vaccination and booster in order to enter the Main Hall. We will continue to wear N95 or equivalent masks as well.
If you don’t wish to sit indoors, other options remain: sitting on the patio just beside the Main Hall, tuning the service in at 88.7 FM, and (at 11) participating via Zoom or Facebook Live.
9:30: We gather in person, indoors in the main hall, distanced and masked for safety. Children’s Religious Education is in session at the same time.
11:00: We gather in person, in the main hall, in person on the main patio, and via Zoom: bit.ly/uucpa_service_11am. To watch the service live on our Facebook page, visit: www.facebook.com/uucpa/live_videos.
If you’d like to be close by in your car, both services are broadcast throughout the UUCPA campus on 88.7 FM.
Photo credit: Mitchell Luo, available on Unsplash