Jesse Schwab
Committee on MinistryTrisha Suppes
Nominating CommitteeNadine Kaplanov
Committee on MinistryJennifer Wang
Committee on MinistryRev. Peter Farriday
Sabbatical MinisterArchived(650) 494-0541 x26, Room DAutri Dutta
Nominating CommitteeMarilyn Stoddard
Nominating CommitteeKim Carlson
Nominating CommitteeEsa Jacobi
Nominating CommitteeJeralyn Moran
Social JusticeBoard of TrusteesMo Jebian
ArchivedMayo Tsuzuki
PresidentBoard of TrusteesEnrique Infante
SextonOperationsRev. Catherine Boyle
Assistant Minister of Religious EducationChildren and Youth, Ministry, Parish Ministry650-494-0541 x28, Room BHeather Chen
CommunicationsBoard of TrusteesKevin Ma
SecretaryBoard of TrusteesJoanna Ragsdale
CYREArchivedBuzz Frahn
VP FacilitiesBoard of TrusteesRandy Helmonds
ArchivedGreg Brail
ChairCommittee on MinistryLinda Henigin
ArchivedJudy Lookabill
Adult Learning JourneyBoard of TrusteesJohn Wright
ArchivedLisa Helmonds
MembershipBoard of TrusteesPaula Hillard
Adult Religious Education PortfolioArchivedMegan Fazio
Planning PortfolioArchivedWeijia Cheng
ChairArchivedElsa Schafer
Nominating CommitteeTina Kochel
Vani Raja Hansen
Brooke Bishara
PresidentArchivedMaria Almli
Denominational ConcernsArchivedDave Joki
PlanningArchivedGregg Williams
Small GroupsArchivedEmma Grant-Bier
Children/Youth REArchivedGeoff Ivison
ArchivedCastor Fu
ArchivedCathy Gale
ArchivedLiz Esbenshade
ArchivedBrian Weller
ArchivedOlivia Ramberg-Gomez
Ed Haertel
Nominating CommitteeMark Williams
SecretaryArchivedMaricia Scott
Sharon Cu
Kevin Crane
VP FinanceBoard of TrusteesMaria Hernandez
Child care provider for infants and toddlers (Room 7/8)Child Care ProvidersSally Ahnger
Co-President, Staff RelationsArchivedJim Basiji
MembershipArchivedKay Brown
TreasurerEx-Officio MemberJoe Bailey
Committee on MinistryBarbara Smith-Thomas (she/her)
Staff Relations, Asst Treasurer for InvestmentsBoard of TrusteesMark Erickson
VP FinanceArchivedLorraine Kostka
VP Facilities, Adult REArchivedJeb Eddy
NewcomersArchivedRobert Byrom
PlanningArchivedThida Cornes
CommunicationsArchivedGeetha Rao
PoliciesArchivedJohn Kostka
Children/Youth REArchivedAudrey Erbes
Small GroupsArchivedKristi Iverson
Social JusticeArchivedRev. Stefanie Etzbach-Dale
Community MinisterCommunity Ministry, MinistryBJ Wishinsky
Membership Engagement CoordinatorPrograms(650) 494-0541 ext. 24Grecia Uribe
RE AssistantArchived(650) 494-0541 x28Jaleh Samai
Child care provider for Rainbow Chasers (ages 3 and up, Room 2/3)Child Care ProvidersPari Mahjoubina
Child care provider for Rainbow Chasers (ages 3 and up, Room 2/3)Child Care ProvidersJosefina Celaya
Child care provider for infants and toddlers (Room 7/8)ArchivedPamela Palmer
Child care provider for infants and toddlers (Room 7/8)Child Care ProvidersDaisy de Salvidar
Child care provider for infants and toddlers (Room 7/8)ArchivedAntonia de Salvidar
Child care providers for infants and toddlers (Room 7/8)Child Care ProvidersAndre Fleet
Small GroupsArchivedBarb Greve
Religious Education AssistantArchived(650) 494-0541 x28 (starting Nov. 1)Edie Keating
VolunteersArchivedJay Fowler
Custodian/SextonArchivedRev. Scotty McLennan
Community Minister - RetiredArchivedRev. Jen Dillinger
Community MinisterCommunity Ministry, MinistryRev. Melissa Thomson
Community MinisterCommunity Ministry, MinistryHong Bui
Religious Education Assistant Archivedext. 23Veronika Agranov-Dafoe
AccompanistMusic, ProgramsBruce Olstad
Music DirectorMusic, ProgramsDebra Heinz
Office Administrative Assistant/FacilitiesArchivedext. 24Jeff Cashdollar
Congregational AdministratorOperationsext. 22Rev. Mary Mckinnon Ganz
Sabbatical MinisterArchived(650) 494-0541David Chen
ArchivedRafael Gomez
ArchivedBill Hilton
ArchivedHarrison Frahn
Children & Youth REArchivedFred Buelow
TreasurerArchivedRev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern
Parish MinisterMinistry, Parish Ministry650-494 0541 x26, Room DRev. Daniel Harper
Associate Minister of Religious EducationArchived(650) 494-0541 ext. 28