The Action Council will be staffing a table on the patio on August 6, 13, and 20, so please stop by and visit us there before or after the Sunday service. We will be sharing information and volunteer opportunities for two important local events:
LifeMoves Ride to End Homelessness taking place in Palo Alto on Saturday morning, August 26. If you would like to register to ride at this event, stop by the Action Council table or visit the event website.
Silicon Valley Pride Parade & Festival in San Jose Saturday, August 26-Sunday, August 27. This year UUCPA is participating in the interfaith booth at the festival. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the interfaith booth at the festival, you can sign up for a specific timeframe at the Action Council table or at:
Stop by the Action Council Table to find out more about these two noteworthy annual events, or to learn more about the Action Council. Hope to see you there!