Author: Kerensa Fu

CYRE Podcast #11: Accommodating Differences

What do we do when we have children in our Sunday school classes who don’t fit neatly into the common patterns of development? How do we accommodate and embrace children with different language and social skills? In this podcast, Rev. Dan Harper and Joe Chee discuss these questions and more.

CYRE Podcast #10: Faith development and chronological age

In this podcast, Rev. Dan Harper and Joe Chee talk about faith development and chronological age, and addresses questions like: what happens when someone who grew up with no religious upbringing decides to join a Unitarian Universalist congregation?; and how can we help children new to UUCPA feel welcome?

CYRE Podcast #8: Faith development and developmental stages

In this podcast, Rev. Dan Harper and Joe Chee discuss the concepts of faith development and the developmental stages humans go through, and what those of us who are teaching Sunday school should know about these concepts.