Our lovely Easter celebrations are returning this year, with an engaging intergenerational, kid-friendly worship service at 10:15 am, a fun Easter-related activity (featuring candy) for kids after the service (bring a basket), and even Second Sunday Lunch!
What a perfect time to think of whom you can invite to join you here, especially friends and family whom you think would find UUCPA, its people and offerings, a wonderful fit with their own sense of well-being, values, and spirituality. Please take five to think about who among your Friend sets might find joy and comfort here, avenues for social justice contributions, educational opportunities to grow and discover, and especially – a bright, high-functioning set of adults and children who relish being and growing together.
We have already had 10 people become members this year so far ~ let’s keep that momentum going!
Here’s to seeing you April 9th, Easter Sunday, with a colorfully clad entourage ~ new and already here a long time ~ Onward!