By Your Side Singers

By Your Side Singers is UUCPA’s pastoral care choir, founded in 2016. In small groups, we visit and sing for any church member or friend, of any age, who seeks comfort, strength, or connection with UUCPA during times of illness, major life transition, or not being able to get to church. When invited, we sing in homes, in hospital rooms, or wherever we may accompany someone in need. Our repertoire includes beloved songs from our hymnals and other sources. At our practice sessions, we explore the power of singing to witness and comfort, and we support each other in our own joys and sorrows.
A visit may be arranged through the Caring Committee, the ministers of the congregation, or by contacting the BYSS co-chairs or singers directly at
Date: 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month
Time: 7:30–9 pm
Location: Room 9
Contact: Melissa Thomson & Matthew Rosin (