Return No One Evil for Evil

Painting of the Buddha defeating Mara is accompanied by service details

Many religious teachers agree with this sentiment from our benediction. Jesus said, “When someone strikes you on one cheek, offer him the other.” The Buddha said “Only love dispels hate.” Muhammad offered kindness to a woman who abused him daily. But we ordinary people, faced with serious threats: are we really supposed to live by those teachings? And if we do, does it mean we have to be nice to everyone?

Worship leader: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern

The order of service will be posted online by Sunday.

If you prefer to attend online, there are two options. One, join the service via Zoom To get the passcode, email or call UUCPA’s outgoing voicemail message, 650-494-0541. It is also included in the weekly update emails. Two, to watch the service live on our Facebook page (no passcode required), visit UUCPA’s live Facebook feed.

Photo of The Defeat of Mara, at Wat Olak Madu, Kedah, by Photo Dharma from Sadao, Thailand, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (detail)