Climate Crisis Update and Action


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Event Type


  • Date: Sunday, Oct 20
  • Time: 12:30-2 pm
  • Location: Fireside Room
  • Presenter: Bill DeVincenzi, Climate Reality Project Presenter
  • Contact: Beth Sherman (
  • Registration: Not required

What is the very latest scientific information about the climate crisis? Would you like to know what each of us needs to do in the next 12 years in order for our species to survive – in addition to driving electric cars and installing solar panels on our homes?

Bill DeVincenzi will elaborate on the UN Climate Report, and a similar report published by our own government that agrees with the UN report. He will cover three main topics:

  • Must we Change (the problem),
  • Can we Change (solutions available),
  • Will we Change (what is being done, what you can do).

Bill DeVincenzi, a Bay Area native, has had a 28-year career in accounting and finance-related fields, at CFO level the last 10 years, a 25-year career in teaching at San Jose State University, and has served on many non-profit Boards of Directors. In retirement, he is pursuing “the most vital issue of our time, the impact of climate change on our planet.” He has recently joined the Elders Climate Action leadership team and the Elders Action Network Board of Directors. He attended the Climate Reality Project (CRP) training with Al Gore last August, joined the Santa Clara County Chapter of CRP, and is actively participating in their speaker’s bureau, presenting the Climate Crisis and solutions. He is devoting his climate-related activities to his 2 children and 3 grandchildren.