Congregational Meeting - Name Change


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Event Type

There will be a Special Congregational Meeting about the possibility of changing our name, on Sunday, October 14 in the Main Hall after the second service. We will first vote on whether we are ready to vote.  If a majority say yes, we will vote on whether or not to change our name and, if 2/3rds of voters say yes, what the name will be.

Note that Second Sunday Lunch is also happening on this day, so grab your lunch, then join us.  To allow time to get lunch, check in for the meeting will begin at 12:45 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m.  There will be no other topics on the meeting agenda.

Please join us for this important meeting!  Childcare will be provided.

Can’t make the meeting?  Find someone to be your proxy and vote on your behalf.  Proxy forms can be obtained in the church office or on our website at:

NOTE:  Absentee ballots will not be available for this meeting.  Please use the proxy process instead.