
2:00 pm


Event Type

Jenise Fuess died on May 20, 2019. She leaves two daughters and countless friends, including many in our congregation.

It is hard to think of a part of our life here that was not touched by Jenise. She was an active member of women’s groups, helped run the bookstore, coordinated the receptions of numerous memorials, and taught the “New UU” class; she served on the Ministerial Search Committee,  Committee on Ministry and Planning Council. She adored theater, literature, and music, taking trips to Ashland and sharing poems with other members of her committees (by heart no less). I know that many others will miss her gentle wisdom, humor and honesty as much as I will. — Rev. Amy
Her Celebration of Life will be held at The Terraces of Los Altos on Saturday, May 25, at 2 p.m. Jenise played frequently for the chapel services there, as she used to do at UUCPA. The venue is Redwood Hall, on the 2nd floor of the Redwood Building, which is at 395 Pine Lane (look for the circular driveway).


Call Sara Newcomb (in the directory) if you need further information.