Neighboring Faith Communities for Adults – Wednesday Class

Neighboring Faith Communities for adults (older youth welcome!) runs in parallel with the middle-schoolers’ experiential program about some of the faith communities of our area. There are two components to the adult program:
1. On five Sunday mornings and one Saturday morning from September to March, the adults gather at Room A with the middle schoolers and their teachers, and everyone caravans from there to the faith community they’re visiting that morning. They attend the service together and also have a Q&A with one of the leaders of the community, typically right after the service.
2. On eleven Wednesdays from September to March, 7:30-8:30 pm, we’ll learn about the six faith communities we’re visiting. On a Wednesday shortly before a visit, we learn about what to expect, how to be a polite and engaged visitor, and some of the broader context of that particular tradition. On a Wednesday shortly after a visit, we talk about what we observed and what questions arose for us. Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern is the facilitator. You are encouraged to attend in person if you can, with live Zoom attendance available each time at this link.
Amy will not be along for most of the visits, since she has responsibilities at that time at UUCPA. The middle school teachers are the leaders of these field trips; as adult learners, please model being good students.
The full schedule is here, with the dates for the adult program in the goldenrod column. Each session also appears here on the calendar. Fuller information about the time and address for the faith community visits will be provided in advance.
We are excited to pioneer this intergenerational learning opportunity. Thanks for being a part of it!
Contact Amy with any questions about the adults’ program, and Rev. Cat Boyle with any questions about the children’s program.
Facilitator: Amy Zucker Morgenstern
Date/Time/Place: Eleven Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 pm, Room D (Amy’s office) and Zoom
Six Saturdays/Sunday mornings, exact time and place TBA; meet at Room A