Our online gallery features photographs that UUCPA member Jack Owicki has taken in the Palo Alto Baylands as meditation and psychotherapy during the COVID pandemic.
Jack is a Docent Naturalist at the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and Stanford’s Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. He photographically documents his experiences in nature. He also runs Pro Bono Photo (www.ProBonoPhoto.org), a clearinghouse that connects volunteer photographers with worthy social-justice/environmental-justice/community groups that can’t afford to hire professional photographers.
Jack is a retired biophysicist. He and his spouse Susan have been active at UUCPA in many capacities for about a quarter century.
For many years, UUCPA’s Main Hall lobby has been a gallery for community artists from within and outside the congregation. Your suggestions for artists, including yourself, are welcome: e-mail Amy Morgenstern, parishmin@uucpa.org.