On Friday, June 16, 2023, the Board voted to change our masking policy for all indoor in-person activities on campus. Following the recommendation from the COVID Safety Task Force, we will change the policy from “mandatory” masking requirements to “strongly encouraged.” This change is based on guidelines from the County and CDC and reinforced by the results of a congregational poll on June 4th.
In keeping with our efforts to ensure everyone’s safety, we will maintain the expectation that an individual’s presence on campus attests to their status as vaccinated against COVID. We will also continue our efforts to increase air circulation, using air filters, ventilation systems, and opening doors and windows as weather improves.
For those who would prefer to remain outside, we will re-establish patio seating in good weather. And, attendance by ZOOM continues as another option to attend services.
Finally, I would like to remind everyone as we make these changes to please respect other’s choices of masking and distancing.
All the Best
Buzz Frahn
Board President