The COVID Safety Committee seeks your opinion on moving toward a “normal but safe” environment at the Sunday Services. So please participate in the live or ZOOM poll that will occur during this Sunday’s Service, June 4. If you won’t be at the service and wish to participate in the poll, please email with your response.
What do you think about moving to a strongly encouraged mask option versus the current mandatory mask requirement?
We understand and respect those with immunocompromised conditions and those who choose to maintain masking and distancing. We ask that everyone respect each individual’s choices while on the UUCPA Campus. Ask first then sit or interact accordingly. If the Board of Trustees updates the current COVID masking policy from “mandatory” to “strongly encouraged,” would this adversely affect your in person attendance at Sunday services?
- Yes, this change WOULD ADVERSELY affect my attending in-person Services.
- No, this change WILL NOT adversely affect my attending in-person Services.
Thank you very much for participating in our Church’s safety and community,