Good Words for Going Forth

Please note that both services will be held indoors (with patio seating always an option) due to the chilly temperatures expected.

In this sermon, part of the series, “Why Do We Do That In the Sunday Service?,” we look at the circuitous history, and multiple meanings, of our unison benediction:

Go out into the world in peace

Be of good courage

Hold fast to what is good

Return no one evil for evil

Strengthen the faint-hearted

Support the weak

Help the suffering

Rejoice in beauty

Speak love with word and deed

Honor all beings.

Why end with the same words every week? Why these words? (Amy gave some history on those questions here.) What do they mean to you? (The Rev. Dan Harper gave reflections on several lines, which you can read here.) Is there anything you would add or change about them?

Worship leader: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern

Worship Associate: Weijia Cheng

Special music: Ihang Lin, classical piano

Follow along in the order of service

9:30: We gather in person in the Main Hall, distanced 3′ and masked for safety. Proof of vaccination is required to enter the Main Hall. You may also sit on the patio if you prefer. Please sign in at the welcome table as you arrive, for the sake of contact tracing.

11:00: We gather in person in the Main Hall, in person on the main patio, and via In-person, we are distanced 3′ and masked for safety; proof of vaccination is required to enter the Main Hall. You may also sit on the patio if you prefer. Please sign in at the welcome table as you arrive, for the sake of contact tracing. To watch the service live on our Facebook page, visit:

Photo by Hédi Benyounes on Unsplash
