Grace Notes

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Grace Notes

Our guest preacher writes: In a world that seems to have taken some disastrously wrong turns, I find myself struggling to maintain balance and a positive outlook. By word of mouth, TV, and print, I’m aware that others are having some of the same difficulties. In my Sunday talk I plan to share some notes (let’s call them “grace notes”) that help me to step forward into the world. I hope that they might help others re-enter life fully and with grace.

Jeanne Foster (she, her) is Professor Emerita at Saint Mary College of California and former minister of the UU society in Modesto CA. A noted poet, writer, and translator, her latest poetry collection is “Your Form Became My Own.” In “A Music of Grace: the Sacred in Contemporary American Poetry,” she asks the question, Is there still sacred ground to stand on? Her passion is ballroom dancing and, in particular, ballroom dancing in Tuscany.

Guest speaker: Rev. Dr. Jeanne Foster

Worship Associate: Steven Mashin

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Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash