Speaker: Steven Mashin

Grace Notes

Our guest preacher writes: In a world that seems to have taken some disastrously wrong turns, I find myself struggling to maintain balance and a positive outlook. By word of mouth, TV, and print, I’m aware that others are having some of the same difficulties. … read more.

Way of Nature, Way of the Gods*

In nature, there is holiness. There is the divine. This is the way of the gods.*

The choir sings Hymn to the Earth, a composition arranged by our own former music director Alva Henderson, in this service steeped in the Shinto wisdom Rev. Cat learned from … read more.

Can I Believe Anything I Want?

That’s a misleading shorthand that people often use to describe Unitarian Universalism–a religion where we can believe anything we want. It’s understandable that these words come to mind, because in contrast to many religions, it’s true that Unitarian Universalism isn’t defined by a set of … read more.

One Year

*Note: Remember to put your clocks forward, or you will be very late to the service!*

Today’s service shares what we have experienced, learned, mourned, and hoped for during this past year, to give us inspiration for the last push.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

The audio player above plays the audio podcast of the sermon only. The YouTube player below plays the video of the entire service with copyrighted and private information redacted.

We welcome Christmas, live-streamed from our beloved sanctuary, with stories, carols and special music, and candles. Come … read more.

Roads Not Taken

Robert Frost’s famous poem is often interpreted as an exhortation to take “the road less travelled.” But a second look at the poem reveals a more complex lesson about how we deal with regret, how we tell our own stories, and what we might do the next time we face a fork in the road. It’s an appropriate guide for the time of self-examination marked by Judaism’s High Holidays. Special Music: Veronika Agranov Dafoe, piano
Today’s entire offering collection will be donated to South Bay Sanctuary Covenant.

Bring Your Whole Self

The third in the “Five Invitations” series, this phrase of Frank Ostaseski’s invites us to take the previous one and apply it particularly to ourselves. What parts of ourselves do we want to leave out of our experiences? What might happen if we brought everything about ourselves and left none of it outside? Music: Veronika Agranov-Dafoe, piano