Hold Fast To What Is Good

A tree in a rocky, hilly field, growing out of a boulder

The words of our benediction continue to guide us in how to fight fascism. To hold fast to what is good when there are so many forces that threaten to erode it, we have to first know: what is good? What, in ourselves and our world, do we value as much as life itself?

We’ve been looking at deep, long-term solutions to undermining fascism: “listen to your opponents,” “keep an open mind.” But in the fight against fascism, don’t we also have to take a stand? Yes, we do. Get ready to hold fast, because that’s the topic of today’s service.

Follow along in the order of service: bit.ly/uucpa_oos_20241208.

If you prefer to attend online, there are two options. One, join the service via Zoom bit.ly/uucpa_service_1015am_v3. To get the passcode, email sundayservice@uucpa.org or call UUCPA’s outgoing voicemail message, 650-494-0541. It is also included in the weekly update emails. Two, to watch the service live on our Facebook page (no passcode required), visit UUCPA’s live Facebook feed.

Photo by Greg Morss: Tree growing out of rock in Coire Earb, Creative Commons 2.0