Plastic. Policies. People. Power.

Sometimes a single, simple change can illuminate a very big problem–and what we can do about it. UUCPA’s own single-use plastics policy, implemented for the first time last month, provides a case study in how to make lasting change. Let’s follow a piece of plastic and see where it leads. You may be pleasantly surprised.

@VonWong, used by permission. Benjamin Von Wong is an artist whose goal is to “amplify positive impact.” This piece used 168,000 discarded plastic straws that had been collected in beach cleanups. To see more of his environmentally-themed pieces, visit

Also today, composer, pianist and singer Ruth Huber helps us to mark National Coming-Out Day (October 11) with her music.

Worship leader: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern

Special music: Ruth Huber

Follow along in the order of service:

Video of the October 10, 2021, 11:00 am service with copyrighted and private information removed.