We can’t live forever. We’re pretty sure of that. And maybe we don’t want to live forever, especially when the body ages and we “get weary and sick of trying,” as the song “Ol’ Man River” says. But what if we’re also “scared of dying”? What can we do to prepare for this great unknown and be unafraid?
This profound topic was requested by Dave Jewett, whose son-in-law David Chen was the high bidder on “You Choose the Sermon Topic” and made it a gift to Dave.
Worship leader: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern
Special music: Jim Stevens, folk singer & guitarist
Follow along in the order of service: bit.ly/uucpa_oos_20220320
9:30: We gather in person, on the main patio, distanced and masked for safety. Children’s Religious Education is in session at the same time.
11:00: We gather in person, in the main hall, in person on the main patio, and via Zoom: bit.ly/uucpa_service_11am. To watch the service live on our Facebook page, visit: www.facebook.com/uucpa/live_videos.
If you’d like to be close by in your car, both services are broadcast throughout the UUCPA campus on 88.7 FM.