Unapologetic Fatherhood

Photo by Steven Cleghorn on Unsplash

Summer Schedule Starts Today!  There is only one service at 10:30 am.

Father’s Day gets short shrift. In schools, because end-of-year celebrations are underway; in many UU churches, because it’s their Flower Communion or there are no summer services; even marketers don’t know what to tell you to buy Dad except a tie, and he probably doesn’t like wearing them. And then there’s our discomfort with traditional ideas of fatherhood and masculinity, and our slowness to embrace new ones. All of which means fatherhood is in need of our tender loving care. Whether you’re a dad or not, have one or not, you’ll take something hopeful away from today’s service.

Worship Leader: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern

Special Music: Broceliande, Celtic music trio