In nature, there is holiness. There is the divine. This is the way of the gods.*
The choir sings Hymn to the Earth, a composition arranged by our own former music director Alva Henderson, in this service steeped in the Shinto wisdom Rev. Cat learned from her time in Japan.
Worship leader: Rev. Catherine Boyle
Worship Associate: Steven Mashin
Special music: Veronika Agranov-Dafoe
Follow along in the order of service,
We gather in person in the Main Hall, in person on the main patio, and via Zoom: (it’s the same link we used to use for the 11 am service). In-person, we are distanced 3′ and masked for safety; proof of vaccination is required to enter the Main Hall. You may also sit on the patio if you prefer. Please sign in at the welcome table as you arrive, for the sake of contact tracing. To watch the service live on our Facebook page, visit:
Photo by Dave Weatherall on Unsplash
Topics: Shinto