Speaker: Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson

Before retiring, Jay was a UU minister for 32 years, most recently in Studio City (12 years) and Davis (13), also serving as adjunct faculty of our UU seminaries in Chicago (Meadville Lombard) and Berkeley (Starr King). Earlier, he did research in nuclear physics for 11 years. Currently, he is a Research Scholar at Starr King with a focus on UU history.

Did Jesus and the Universalists Get It Right?

For a long time, Unitarians and Universalists stuck with Christianity, trying to improve its bad theology by reforming it from within.  Then many of them just gave up the effort and stopped calling themselves Christians.  Now here we are in 2024, putting “Love at … read more.

America’s Mission Statement

In our UU churches, we increasingly aspire to mission statements that can guide us in all our actions and keep us focused on our ideals. What if we ran our country in the same way? What would America’s mission statement look like? Surprise! — it’s already right under our noses, just waiting to be lifted up in time for this year’s July 4th. Music: Ruth Huber, piano