Speaker: Rev. Előd Szabó
Rev. Előd Szabó was born in Kolozsvár, Transylvania. He comes from a long line of ministers including his grandfather who was bishop of the Hungarian Unitarian Church from the 1970s to the 1990s. Since 2007 he has been a minister in the village of Ürmös with his wife Kata, who is a nursery school teacher, and their two young sons. As this year’s Balazs Scholar, he will be doing post-graduate work this year at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, focusing on homiletics and other fields of study which will help him better serve when he returns home.
The fiddler on the roof is a well-known symbol for the desire to find joy and happiness in very uncertain times such as we are now experiencing. Likewise, a preacher on the roof is a person who always remembers who sent him/her and the message to his/her people. How do we, Transylvanian Unitarians try to take the challenge and speak out? Special Music: Eric Leong, violin