Why does UUCPA exist in the world?
As a congregation, we have not paused to reflect on this question in a very long time, and our Board of Trustees and our ministers have proposed that it’s time to do so.
A clear and shared understanding of mission can guide UUCPA’s ministries, community-building, religious education, social and environmental justice efforts, and our own spiritual journeys. But most UUCPA members don’t know our current mission statement: we rarely invoke it, and it was adopted many years ago, before many of our current commitments took shape.
UUCPA has convened a five-member Mission Task Force to clarify the church’s mission in light of our current and potential future commitments. The Task Force will also craft a new mission statement for the church, to be approved by the congregation at a later time.
Your input is essential to this process. Though the five members of the Task Force represent multiple generations and have been deeply involved in many aspects of the church, we cannot do this without you.
As a first step in offering your insight, please click the following link to access a brief, anonymous survey from the UUCPA Mission Task Force. There, you will reflect on the values and goals of our gathering together and select those that resonate most deeply for you. You can also offer comments or feedback about anything we’ve missed.
If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please email Task Force member Edward Haertel at ed@uucpa.org.
The survey will be followed up by several gatherings in October, both in-person and online, to generate conversation and gather further feedback. News about these sessions will be coming soon.
We thank you for adding your voice to this conversation.
Gratefully, and in solidarity,
The UUCPA Mission Task Force
Marilyn Austin, Task Force Chair
Brooke Bishara, President, UUCPA Board of Trustees
Edward Haertel
Christopher Kan
Matthew Rosin