Upcoming Sunlight Meeting

Dear Families, 

Please note this letter contains a content warning: abuse. 

Recently UUCPA learned that a musician who has performed in worship services, is a convicted sex offender with a victim that was a minor. The victim was not a member of the church and the perpetrator had no other known involvement or contact within the church’s programming. Currently, we have no information that leads us to believe that any child at UUCPA was harmed by him. With children and youth’s safety as our top priority, this person will no longer be performing on our campus. 

We are providing space for digesting this information and answering any questions you may have as well as presenting what UUCPA’s next steps are in our policy changes to best protect our community and help survivors of sexual abuse of all kinds. Please join us at 12:15 on October 16th in the Sanctuary for this meeting either in person or by Zoom. Please reach out to me for the Zoom link.

Rev. Amy’s and my doors are always open. Please reach out to either of us if you need pastoral care. In times such as these, we remember the hymn: We need each other to survive. 


Rev. Cat