On March 17th we concluded our 1-week pledge drive for the 2024-2025 pledge year. Thank you to all who pledged and all who celebrated at either one or both of our pledge week luncheons. While the official pledge drive is over, we’re still short of the amount needed to support our budget. The stewardship committee is following up with members who haven’t yet pledged. If you haven’t pledged, please do so before the UUCPA Budget Town Hall Meeting coming up on April 7. You can pledge by email (pledge@uucpa.org), by using the online form (tinyurl.com/42busxtt) or by returning your pledge card. Why not pledge today?
Your Stewardship team,
David, Esa, Elsa, Lisa, Kevin, Richard and Amy
About the 2024-2025 pledge drive
Just before the week of March 10-17, you should have received by mail the beautiful 2024 UUCPA pledge packet and brochure (crafted by our own Grace Bishara) ~ We hope you took a few minutes to admire and read it – it’ll make you proud to be with this loving Congregation!
Already made your pledge? If so, thank you!! If not and if you are ready to make your pledge, you can pledge to contribute to the annual operating budget in one of three ways: send in the card you receive via US mail; use the online form; or email pledge@uucpa.org with your name, your pledge amount for the year, and whether you would like to sign up for auto renewal.
Special addition this year
Not only is this simply a single week of pledging, starting on March 10 and ending on March 17 with special worship services and celebratory lunches on both Sundays – but we have prizes for winners all week long.
March 10th Drawing
The first prize drawn during the opening pledge day, during lunch.
- Prize #1: Lunch with our own guru, Rev. Amy**
March 15th Drawing
If you missed the first deadline, two – 2 – prizes drawn on Friday.
- Prize #2: A voice lesson with ChoirMaster Bruce** ~ come out singing ~ (or your agreed use of that lovely time)
- Prize #3: Lunch with charming Board Chair Buzz** – time to bend his ear
March 17th Drawing
On our closing Sunday – three – 3 prizes will be awarded to the lucky pledging winners!
- Prize #4: A conservatory-worthy piano lesson with Veronika** (or your agreed use of that time)
- Prize #5: Your choice for Rev. Cat’s Sunday Morning Story performance!
- Prize #6: Your choice of the next color fashionista Rev. Amy dyes her hair!
**on a mutually agreed-upon future date/time
Celebretory Lunches
Sunday, March 10th, Pasta and Ice Cream Sundaes – mmmmmmmm yummy. On Sunday, March 17th, St. Patrick’s day themed lunch.
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