The Expanse

Sci-Fi / Fantasy Discussion Group


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Type

At our June meeting, we’ll be discussing the first two episodes of Season 1 of “The Expanse”
It’s on Amazon Prime if you have that. Alternatively, there are DVD and Blu-Ray editions. You might be able to get it from a library.
Amazon Blurb:

The disappearance of rich-girl-turned-political-activist Julie Mao links the lives of Ceres detective Joe Miller (Thomas Jane), accidental ship captain James Holden (Steven Strait) and U.N. politician Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo). Amidst political tension between Earth, Mars and the Belt, they unravel the single greatest conspiracy of all time.

Be Well

The Sci-Fi and Fantasy Discussion Group was meeting via Zoom before it was cool! Lovers of science fiction and fantasy, at UUCPA and beyond, have been getting together online to talk about books, movies, and television episodes chosen by the group, every other month since early 2019. Past books include The Broken Earth Trilogy (N. K. Jemisin), The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Robert Heinlein), Parable of the Sower (Octavia Butler), The Left Hand of Darkness (Ursula K. Le Guin), Red Moon (Kim Stanley Robinson); past television and movies include Arrival, Blink (Doctor Who), Serenity and The Train Job (Firefly), and The Day the Earth Stood Still.

The meeting method: via Zoom, 7-8:30 p.m. We meet every other month.

  • Dates: Third Wednesdays, Bi-Monthly
  • Time: 7-8:30 pm
  • Location: Online
  • Facilitator: Jane Chronis (
  • Registration: Not required

Join the meeting via Zoom:

  • Link:
  • Meeting ID: 966 0982 8067
  • Passcode: 249519
  • One tap mobile
    • +16699006833,,96609828067#,,,,*249519# US (San Jose)
    • +13462487799,,96609828067#,,,,*249519# US (Houston)

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