POSTPONED: The Future of Caltrain in Palo Alto

The following class has been postponed, but the new date is not yet known.
Class: The Future fo Caltrain in Palo Alto
Date: Sunday, Sep 29Time: 12:30-2 pmLocation: Fireside Room- Presenter: Nadia Naik
- Contact: Susan Owicki (
- Registration: Not required
Presentation covers:
- Big Regional Growth and how it is driving the need for more Caltrain
- What Caltrain service could be like in the future and what it means for Palo Alto
- More Caltrain service is good, but it requires significant infrastructure changes
- How will Palo Alto mitigate the impacts of more trains
- How will we pay for this
- How will we come to a decision?
We are all in this together (SF- SJ).
Nadia Naik is a co-founder of Californians Advocating Responsible Rail Design (CARRD) – a volunteer, grassroots group advocating for transparency, accountability and effective community involvement with transportation projects. She’s also an active founding member of Friends of Caltrain, a grassroots coalition of neighborhood groups, employers, environmental groups, transit advocates, and transit riders advocating for the longterm viability of Caltrain’s critical local and regional transit service. In addition, she serves on the Santa Clara County Measure B (1996) Citizen Watchdog Committee and City of Palo Alto’s Citizen Advisory Panel for Connecting Palo Alto (grade separations projects). She has been recognized for her advocacy “in the spirit of Jane Jacobs” by Committee for Green Foothills and has received a California Senate commendation for her efforts to increase public participation in project planning. Nadia is married with two teenagers and has been living in Palo Alto since 2005.