Speaker: Bill Hilton

Hope: It’s Infectious

For this Earth Day service, we celebrate the gains we have made at UUCPA when we have united for environmental action. We all know the challenges facing our beautiful planet, and can get quite overwhelmed by them. But fear and despair sap the will to … read more.

Staying Curious In Conflict

Sometimes living our values becomes a challenge when we find ourselves in passionate disagreement with someone who does not share our perspective, or at an impasse with someone we love. Conflict is often about communication, but it is also about culture – the context of our lives shapes our relationships and patterns of interacting in community. Join Megan Dowdell, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Society at Starr King School for the Ministry, as we explore how to stay curious in conflict through story, sermon and song. Music: Veronika Agranov Dafoe, piano