Speaker: Rev. Steve Edington

Steve has served several Unitarian Universalist churches, including 24 years as minister of the church in Nashua, NH. He has published a book on The Beat Writers titled The Beat Face of God: The Beat Generation as Spirit Guides.

God Is Not God’s Name

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
God Is Not God's Name

How do we explore and cultivate a relationship with that which we sense is greater than ourselves without getting too ensnared in religious language or terminology? Special Music: Libby Kardontchik, piano

Remembering Ric Masten

Ric Masten passed away ten years ago in May of 2008. A few months before his death Rev. Steve Edington and Ric got out a book they’d collaborated on about Ric’s unique ministry within our UU movement titled “Troubadour and Poet–The Magical Ministry of Ric Masten.” Steve will return to the UUCPA to share his thoughts on the continuing significance of Ric’s ministry for us ten years after his passing.

The Beat Face of God: The Beat Writers as Spiritual Guides

Jack Kerouac claimed, in the 1950s, that the Beat Generation was a reli- gious generation. He was right then, and his claim remains true for anyone on a spiritual journey today. Here in the Bay Area, home to so many of the Beat writers, we are joined by Steve Edington, who has served sever- al Unitarian Universalist churches, including 24 years as minister of the church in Nashua, NH, and published a book on this topic, to share with us what we can learn from the Beats to use on our own spiritual journeys. Music: Bruce Olstad, piano