Topic: Community

Buddhism Beyond the Binary

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
Buddhism Beyond the Binary

Yeshe Tsogyal (c. 757 or 777 – 817 CE) attained enlightenment in her lifetime and is considered the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism. When she herself asked about “her inferior female body” (a common theme in the biographies of female spiritual practitioners), her teacher advised Yeshe … read more.

The Virtue of Tolerance

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
The Virtue of Tolerance

“Tolerance” has become a bit of a dirty word as those pushed to the margins rightly press for more than simply being tolerated. For example, LGBTQIA folks don’t want their religious community just to tolerate them, but to celebrate them. Intermarried couples don’t want to … read more.

Spiritual but Not Religious

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Spiritual but Not Religious

That’s how an increasing number of US Americans describe themselves, and many of them find their way to our congregation. What does “spiritual but not religious” mean? What does it mean to make a spiritual community together without being “religious”? And can we also be … read more.

Becoming the People We Want to Be

In November, Amy asked “Who Do You Think You Are?” in a service on self-deception. That delved into the problem; today we look at some of the antidotes. How can we know ourselves and live consonant with who we really are, not who we imagine ourselves to be? Special music: Four Shillings Short, Celtic & Indian music