Topic: UU Celebrations

Water Communion

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Water Communion

In our annual ritual of ingathering, we bring water from the places of our lives, and pour the many waters into a communal bowl in a ritual honoring variety and unity. Music:Veronika Agranov Dafoe, piano

Coming of Age 

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Coming of Age 

As young people at UUCPA come of age, they spend several months together in reflection on the questions adult UUs grapple with, meet with mentors from the congregation, and articulate their own beliefs in a credo project. They will share their credos and lead the service today. Music: Yuri Liberzon, classical guitar

Flower Communion Intergenerational Service

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Flower Communion Intergenerational Service

For our annual Flower Communion, we each bring a flower (or several), fill vases and baskets with them, and after blessing the flowers and each other, choose a flower that someone else brought and bring it home. (There will be plenty of extras for those who didn’t know or forgot–a living example of abundance!) It’s a beauty-filled, joy-filled intergenerational service built around a ritual that has been practiced in Unitarian Universalist churches since the 1920s. Music: Sarah Kirton, Scandinavian music

Water Communion

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Water Communion

In our annual ritual of ingathering, we bring water from the places of our lives, and pour the many waters into a communal bowl in a ritual honoring variety and unity. We welcome the Adult Choir back after their several-week break. Music: Nicholas Dold, piano

Coming of Age

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Coming of Age

As young people at UUCPA come of age, they spend several months together in reflection on the questions adult UUs grapple with, meet with mentors from the congregation, and articulate their own beliefs in a credo project. They will share their credos and lead the service today. Music: Karen Vandyke, flute

Flower Communion

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
Flower Communion

For this intergenerational service, please bring a flower to exchange in our annual ritual. Dan will tell the story of how the Flower Celebration came to be, and we will fill the hall with flowers. We’ll have plenty of extras for those who forget or don’t know about the ritual in advance. We will also welcome new members during this service. Music: Veronika Agranov-Dafoe, piano

Coming of Age Service

During the annual Coming of Age service, teens in the Coming of Age program deliver their “credos,” or statements of religious identity. This year’s service will include readings from Douglas Adams and J. R. R. Tolkien, as well as thoughtful credos on the role of thinking in religious identity. Music: Clark Akatiff’s Bluegrass/American Group

Flower Communion

For this intergenerational service, please bring a flower to exchange in our annual ritual. Dan will tell the story of how the Flower Celebration came to be, and we will take home a flower brought by someone else, like the inspiration and strength we receive from others. (Forgot a flower? Don’t worry, there are always more than enough–bring yourself!) — Worship Associate: Autumn Vandiver

Water Communion

The river has its destination … who is in the river with us? We honor the words of a famous prophecy by the Hopi elders, and celebrate our being together in a time of powerful currents. Bring water from your summer travels to replenish our common pool, in our annual Water Communion service.
Worship Leader: Rev. Mary McKinnon Ganz
Music: Veronika Agranov-Dafoe