Sunday, February 5 will be devoted to discovering, sharing, and celebrating books, with numerous activities and opportunities:

Sunday Service at 10:15: True Magic
Amy and the other service leaders will share about a time that a book powerfully affected their lives
Our altar will consist of beloved books: yours.
Please bring one or many to display and get great conversations started

Storytelling Hour
In the Fireside Room after the service, gather round to hear stories told by two of the wonderful children’s librarians in our midst, Beth Nord and Kathy Swartz
The Wide World of Public Domain Literature for All
Weijia Cheng, a UUCPA member who volunteers for Standard eBooks, will lead this workshop about easily-accessed, online public domain literature, followed by an e-reader clinic to help you load e-books onto your devices

Get to know the UUCPA lending library
Hamaker Library will be open for your exploration and borrowing, with one of our church librarian/archivists, Harry Wachob, on hand to answer your questions
Visit two bookstores
Bookstore manager Marilyn Stoddard will have the UUCPA Bookstore and UU Used Books open and running in the Main Hall lobby
Books are our special guests
Children are encouraged to bring their favorite books to Sunday school

NEW: Book groups invite you to learn more
Members of Brown Bag Books and the Sci Fi / Fantasy Discussion Group will be there to tell you all about joining these UUCPA book groups
The Little Free Library will be open as always
Take a book, leave a book, sit under the redwoods and read a book!
Everywhere, people will be sharing about books they love.
Don an “Ask me about . . . ” sticker to start a conversation about a book or author you love, or a reading-related experience you’d love to share. You are sure to leave with new friends–the living, breathing kind and the kind made of paper and bound between two covers
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