Weaving the Web

Dear UUCPA folks,

Can I be real a second?: I hate asking for money. I hate asking people for anything, really. What I love is real conversations with people who are being real–talking about things that matter to them, and inviting me to do the same.

That’s why I love being a Steward and visiting as many UUCPA folks as I can manage, here at pledge time–and, this year, excitingly, for our 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign as well. I hate asking for money, so (with rare exceptions) I don’t. I ask you to tell me what matters most to you and how UUCPA fits into that. Some of the things I’ve heard from our members and friends over the years: We want to convert buildings erected in the 1950s into a campus that will leave no carbon footprint, a campus that doesn’t just preach, but lives our love for the Earth. We want ministers, musicians, and other staff who will inspire us with love and beauty, give wisdom and a warm welcome, nurture beautiful gardens and happy children. We love making our Main Hall a guesthouse for the unhoused and a base of justice for the whole area–even the state.

In Stewardship visits, I get to hear all of this and so much more. I hear the why–what in your life made these things so important to you. I share a little of my own why, if time allows. And at the end of our time, I know you so much better. What a gift.

That’s it. Neither I nor any other Steward will follow up with a “So, you really ought to give $X to UUCPA. . . ” You already know it takes money to do these things (your Steward can answer your questions about the details), and I know you’ll give all you can, so the end of our conversation is a heartfelt thank you and a handshake or hug.

Our Steward visits lead to some of our best conversations with other people who are real kindred spirits. Often, they’re people we haven’t exchanged more than a few words with before. Beth and Sarah talk here about what they like about them here.

Can I be real again?: I not only hate asking for money, I hate being asked for it. And I would really, really hate to miss out on a deep conversation because I was too afraid that if I said yes to the conversation, I’d be saying yes to a pitch for a donation. I don’t want that to happen to you either. Please don’t miss out.

And if you crave real conversations the way I do, don’t settle for just one–be a Steward and have four, or more! Write to stewardship@uucpa.org to become one of this year’s Stewards.

I look forward to hearing from you about how your conversation(s) went!

