Covenant of Shared Ministry
As a congregation, our purpose is to serve all that is holy and good in the human spirit and the world. We have chosen this faith, we have chosen these ministers to join with us, and together we will change the world. The professional ministers we call have committed their lives to that same purpose.
We ask of our professional ministers:
- to lead us in worship and create rituals that help give shape to the events of our lives.
- to care for us in our times of need and celebrate our joys with us; to accept our shortcomings, offer us gentle guidance, and listen to us with love.
- to teach and learn with us, children, youth, and adults alike.
- to lead us in our works of justice and compassion, taking the teachings of our faith beyond these walls; to speak the truth, challenging and inspiring us to build a better world.
- and to remember the vision of beloved community we all share, and serve it with heart, soul, and might.
As a congregation we pledge:
- to work with the professional ministers to create worship and rituals.
- to care for one another in times of need and celebrate one another’s joys; to accept one another’s shortcomings, offer one another gentle guidance and listen to each other with love.
- to teach and learn with the professional ministers, remembering that we are all learning all the time.
- to struggle for justice and act with compassion, taking the teachings of our faith beyond these walls; to speak the truth, challenging and inspiring all of us to build a better world.
- to be true to ourselves and true to the beloved community we are creating together.
The congregation and the professional ministers have joined together in this ministry. We honor the history of this congregation, and pledge our ongoing support to transform all its sacred visions into reality. We offer our blessings on this great and holy endeavor.
So may it be.