2019 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be on Sunday, April 14, 2019, following the second Sunday Lunch. Voter check-in will begin at approximately 12:45 p.m. The meeting will begin at approximately 1:00 p.m.
In the annual meeting, the congregation generally votes on the following types of items:
- Approve the Minutes of the Prior Congregational Meetings (2018 Annual Meeting, Oct 2018 Special Meeting)
- Members of the Board of Trustees
- Members of the Nominating Committee
- Representatives to the UUA General Assembly
- Budget for FY19-20
- Justice Partners for FY19-20
- Resolutions presented by members or committees
- Other matters as determined by the Board of Trustees or proposed by members at the meeting
Childcare will be available.
Members must have made a contribution of record during the past 12 calendar months to be eligible to vote.
New members must be affirmed by the Board 30 days before the meeting (by March 13) in order to be eligible to vote at this meeting.
For more information about our church governance: https://www.uucpa.org/about-us/our-governance/
For three-year terms on the Board of Trustees:
- Robert Byrom
- Thida Cornes
- Kristi Iverson
- John Kostka
- Geetha Rao
- Barbara Smith-Thomas
For two-years terms on the Nominations Committee:
- Liz Esbenshade
- Castor Fu
- Cathy Gale
- Catherine Holmes
For voting delegates to the 2019 UUA General Assembly, June 19- 23 (https://www.uua.org/ga):
- Lisa Helmonds (off-site delegate)
- Bill Hilton (off-site delegate)
- Mark Erickson (off-site delegate)
For more information about nominations, click here.
Voting by Proxy or Absentee Ballot
If unable to attend the meeting, a member may designate another member as proxy — note that no one can hold more than one proxy. Proxy forms are currently available on the website at https://www.uucpa.org/about-us/our-governance/voting-proxy-absentee-ballot-uucpa-congregational-meetings/. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD IF YOU WILL BE GIVING SOMEONE YOUR PROXY TO HELP AVOID DELAYS TO THE START OF THE MEETING.
A member may also vote on candidates by completing an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots will be available on the website and in the office soon after nominations close on April 2.
NOTE: If you submit a proxy, you may not also submit an absentee ballot.
For more information on congregational meetings, including proxies and absentee ballots, see: https://www.uucpa.org/about-us/our-governance/
Budget Town Halls
There will be two Budget Town Halls held on Sunday, March 31, one at 10:30 and another at 12:15. Please plan to attend one of these meetings to be sure you are up-to-date on our financial situation prior to the Annual Meeting.