Speaker: Brian Weller

Liberal Or Literal?

The challenge posed by literalists of every stripe: from the September 11 jihadists to your sweet aunt in Kansas who loves Jesus and Ted Cruz, all of which greatly challenge our own self-perceptions of being as “liberal” as we think we are. Our guest takes on the task of “translating” literalist belief structures to come to some kind of equanimity in our own understanding and “tolerance” of them. Worship Leader: Andrew Hidas

Garbage, Goedel, and God

We are invited by the UU principles to use reason as a way of exploring the world. But does this necessarily mean that something that cannot be proved by reason is garbage? Kurt Goedel proved, using the tools of logic, that any system of reasoning will contain true statements that cannot be proved within the system. So there is garbage, but also truth, in the unproven. Is it possible, or even reasonable, that over tens of thousands of years of human evolution we may have developed some non-logical ways of recognizing truth? And does this open the door to God?

Worship Leader: Steve Johnson
Worship Associate: Brian Weller