Events - 10 Nov 19
Forum - What Good Things Will We Give to the World before New Year’s?
Discussion Leader: Sarah Doxiadis
Sunday Labyrinth Walk
Walking a labyrinth is a silent and ordinarily solitary activity. However, many people find it uplifting to sometimes do it with a group. UUCPA participants [...]
Child care
Child care (for infants, toddlers, and young children) — Loving and safe care with our professional childcare providers. Children who are over 3 and toilet-trained [...]
Sunday School for children and youth age 3 through grade 8
Because we believe in learning by doing, a most important part of our religious education is participation, with all ages, in the first part of [...]
Sunday Meditation
Date: Every Sunday Time: 10:00 -10:55 on the weeks when UUCPA has two services (at 9:30 and 11am) 9:30 - 10:25 on the weeks when UUCPA has only one service (mid June [...]
UUCPA Bookstore and Used Book Room - Closed
The Bookstore is closed for the foreseeable future. Date/Time: One-half hour before and after most Sunday 11 am services (excluding second Sundays when we have Second-Sunday [...]
UUCPA Story Time
Join M. Scott for a read-aloud storytime every second Sunday in Room 1, at 10:30 (or when Sunday school lets out). Each week, Ms. Scott [...]
Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting
We are a Green Sanctuary Congregation and continue our active push toward being truly Green in our energy consumption. The committee meets on the second [...]
2nd Sunday Lunch
Join us for Second Sunday Lunch, a home-cooked, nutritious, delicious food for a very reasonable donation. We go through the buffet line in the Fireside [...]
Bathroom Renovation Meeting
Bathroom Renovation Meeting November 10, 12:30 to 3:00 pm, Room 6. We are embarking on the process of renovating the bathrooms by the office in [...]
Care and Nurture of Your Small Group
CARE AND NURTURE OF YOUR SMALL GROUP Date: Sunday, Nov 10 Time: 1-3 pm Location: Room 4/5 Facilitator: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern ( Contact: Beth [...]
Womens Group - Weekend Women
UUCPA's newest women's group, Weekend Women. Date: 2nd and 4th Sundays each month Time: 1:00-2:30 p.m. Location: Currently Online Only. Usually in Room A Facilitator: [...]
Sacred Harp Singing
Join the democratic and inclusive American song tradition of Sacred Harp music, one of the oldest ongoing music traditions in the United States. Rolling Stone [...]
NO Senior High Youth Group - SHYG
There is no SHYG on the nights that OWL 10-12 meets. Senior High Youth Group (grades 9-12) or SHYG — Teenagers in high school are [...]
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