Speaker: Aarav Billore

What the Heck Kindness and Awareness Mean

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
What the Heck Kindness and Awareness Mean

And How to Bring Them into Everyday Life

Prashant and Aarav will be exploring “kindness and awareness” along these prompts: 

– what could kindness and awareness, practically, do to you?

– what blocks them or comes in the way?

– what could you tell yourself or what could you … read more.

What Helped Make the Pain Go Away

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
What Helped Make the Pain Go Away

Our guest speaker says: “I have suffered with chronic bodily and mental pain for more than two decades. Knowing about how the pain appears and what makes it continue on opened me up to the world inside me. Just knowing more and opening up to … read more.

Thriving in Difficult Times, What did Buddha have to say?

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
Thriving in Difficult Times, What did Buddha have to say?

Difficult times are trying times. They expose our vulnerabilities. How can our vulnerabilities be our gifts? How do we hide our joy, peace and balance? How do we uncover it? Let’s explore together what Buddha had to say about all of this.

The order of service is here.

Martin, Malcolm, and America

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
Martin, Malcolm, and America

Civil rights activist and religious leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is justifiably celebrated by a national holiday commemorating his birthday. We explore the life and legacy of King’s contemporary and fellow Black liberation leader Malcolm X, with whom he is often compared.
Special Music: Mayan Dolev, classical guitar

An Invitation to Action

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Sermons and Reflections
An Invitation to Action

“Friend” means so many things, from an acquaintance you allow to read your social media, to the person for whom you’d drop everything and travel a thousand miles if they needed someone. What does it mean to you to have a friend? To be a friend? And what are you doing to tend your friendships? Music: Ruth Huber, piano

Kuan Yin: Buddhist Goddess and Bodhisattva of Compassion

She/he started out male in India and later was recognized as female in China. She has evolved and transformed as she’s traveled throughout Asia and into the Western World. What might we learn from Kuan Yin? Our speaker is a retired UU minister and professor sojourning in Palo Alto this winter. Music: Season of Us, Stephanie Greivell, flute and Bill Stanfield, guitar