Speaker: Joe Bailey

Driving While White

Most of us pride ourselves in not being racist but it could be argued that racism exists on a continuum on which we all reside. Join us on 9/17 when UUCPA member Tom Parker discusses the grey areas, the more difficult, challenging, and sometimes subtle … read more.

Because Every Body Is Sacred

From “Don’t Say Gay” bills to the swath of laws criminalizing gender-affirming and abortion-related care, attacks on bodily autonomy in the US are escalating at an alarming pace. And, this nation has always targeted certain kinds of bodies as less worthy of protection and freedom … read more.

History, Retold

As Artificial Intelligence grows, there is much wondering about whether the line between truth and fiction will be ever harder to know. Today, we look back, both in the short term and the arc of history, to discover deeper truths, together.

Rev DL Helfer (they/them) is … read more.

The Fine Art of Making Love

Don’t worry, it’s PG-rated. John Wright, our Membership Engagement Coordinator, invites two characters from one of his favorite books, The Bridges of Madison County, to see what lessons they have to offer us as we grapple with the daily grind of hate, horror, history and … read more.

Am I the Keeper of My Beloveds?

In Genesis, one man slew his brother, and when asked where that brother was, asked of his god, “I know not. Am I my brother’s keeper?”

This question has been taken as many ways as there are storytellers under the sun: keeper of health? keeper … read more.

True Magic

Writer Alice Hoffman muses that they might be “the only true magic,” William Styron says they are the secret to “living several lives” (all at once!), and actor Emma Thompson says they “are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life … read more.

The Danger of a Single Story

The title comes from the novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who said in a talk, “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.” We’ll reflect on when we have been seen as one story, when we have seen others this way, and what we can do about it.
Special Music: Yuri Liberzon, classical guitar

We Forgive Ourselves and Each Other . . .

Can we review our 2017 resolutions, and our lives so far, with compassion instead of judgment? It is particularly hard to do in those matters where we feel we have not lived up to our own plans and promises. Let us forgive ourselves as well as others as this year comes to an end. Music: Ihang Lin

Nature Speaks: Listening Together

The is a lively exploration of the art and poetry of our guest, Deborah Kennedy. With a multimedia presentation, she will introduce viewers not only to our ecological challenges, but also to the vitality of the natural world, and to models of holistic thinking that can help us move toward a thriving world. Music: Jim Stevens