Author: webadmin

Cast your vote at the UUCPA Annual Meeting, April 21st

The Annual Meeting is on April 21, 12-2pm, in the Main Hall and on Zoom. We will be voting on the budget, justice partners, a bylaws amendment, and candidates for the Board, Nominating Committee, and General Assembly. Full agenda here.

Zoom links will be sent to voting-eligible members a week from the meeting. For those unable to attend, you may submit an absentee ballot (to be released by next week) or name a proxy by the day of the meeting.
To be eligible to vote, members must have made a contribution of record during the past 12 calendar months. You can verify your eligibility by emailing or calling the office.

Candidates for Board of Trustees:
Lisa Helmonds and Judy Lookabill

On agenda is a bylaws amendment regarding creating an exemption process to the contribution of record requirement for membership.

Spiritual Adventures In Parenting meets this Sunday, April 21, at 11:30am

Spiritual Adventures In Parenting, UUCPA’s group for parents of children between the ages of birth and tween, meets again this Sunday, April 21, from 11:30a.m.–12:30p.m., following the church service.

We’ll gather in the Fireside Room. Childcare will be provided.

We’ll share joys and challenges from the past month. We’ll also share our questions, insights, and surprises from reading pages 177–204 in the book Chaos,
and the Spiritual
Adventure of

***Please note: This month’s session overlaps with UUCPA’s Annual Meeting (which begins at 12:00p.m.). So, if you are a member of UUCPA, please be sure to fill out and return an absentee or proxy ballot. (Here are the instructions for doing so!) That way, your vote will be counted and help ensure a congregational quorum.***

To learn more, email

Proposed Slate of Justice Partners for 2024-25

This year the Action Council is proposing the addition of two new partners, Peninsula Food Runners, nominated by Amy and Cal Finch, and There With Care, nominated by Ellen Flamen.  They will replace Ada’s Cafe and California Interfaith Power and Light (CIPL).

Each month the Church … read more.

Check out the UUCPA Bookstore

Recently acquired used books are shown in the image above.

Since 1955, the Book Store has opened on Sunday mornings in the Main Hall lobby. The store features books on spirituality, personal growth, religious education, and social action – many offered by the UUA publishers, Beacon … read more.

Spring Project – Kids’ Town Hall

Our religious education program’s project for the Spring focuses on democracy:

What is it? Why does it matter? How does it work?

The project gets kids on the inside of democracy by engaging in their own election. The project ends with a celebration party on 5/5