How to Make an Announcement
Any announcements and events sponsored by UUCPA may be publicized in multiple ways: on the website, in the Weekly Update email, in the order of service, on our Meetup and Facebook pages, on our Twitter feed, on our Instagram feed, via various email lists (including Announce), from the pulpit on Sunday morning, and on various sites that are not explicitly connected to UUCPA, such as Palo Alto Online and the Peace and Justice Center Community Calendar. In the past, to reach most of these listing, you have had to send your announcement to multiple email addresses.
Single-Step Process
Now, you may publicize your event or announcement in a simple, one-stop way, by sending the information using the Publicity Form or by emailing it to Our office administrative staff, and other stakeholders receive these forms and can assist you if you have questions. should also be informed if any of your information changes so that we can send corrections. Changes and Cancellations Form When you use the online form, “Submit” will send it to directly.
Even if you know the individual email address or alias of the person who is handling the publicity outlet you want to reach, please use Multiple stakeholders watch publicity and bypassing it disturbs the process we are trying to follow. If you feel that you must email another specific address, please at least cc so that others will be notified.
If you choose to send your publicity request via email to (instead of using the form), please include the following information:
- Title
- Descriptive Text
- One-sentence Descriptive Text (if you wish to have a pulpit announcement)
- If this is an event:
- Location (confirm space with Jeff, 650-494-0541 x21)
- Date (if repeating event, please give details in COMMENTS / QUESTIONS / REQUESTS below)
- Time
- Duration
- Is this a volunteer opportunity? Yes/No
- Contact Person (to include in the announcement)
- No personal email or telephone numbers will be posted on announcements. If you are sending an announcement on behalf of a group, you can use your <group> (for example email address as a contact. If you aren’t sending on behalf of a group contact and we’ll help you figure out a good alternative.
- Contact Information (for office use only; not for publication)
Optionally, indicate where to publicize (one or more of the following):
- If you don’t specify otherwise, the information will be published in the following places. If you already sent it to announce, but want it included in the weekly update, please specify that in your email:
- via the email list (or other announcement-style email lists)
- the Weekly Update email
- the website:
- Additional options include:
- the Order of Service
- a pulpit announcement – there is a strict limit on the number of pulpit announcements and a strict set of priorities, but we will make the announcement if time permits
If you have a photo or graphic you wish included, we will send it to all permitted outlets. Please e-mail it to, and affirm:
- The photo was taken, or the graphic was created, by me.
- The photo or graphic is open source/public domain (give credit information in COMMENTS / QUESTIONS / REQUESTS section)
Some useful things to know:
The Weekly Update Email
The Weekly Update email newsletter deadline is Friday at 5 pm for the next day’s update email.
- UUCPA events and announcements about UUCPA are eligible for the Weekly Update.
- Events for the coming week (Saturday through Saturday) are automatically included from the web calendar. Please visit the web calendar to ensure that your event is listed properly.
The Web Site
- All announcements sent to the will be displayed on the web site.
- Announcements will be displayed or linked to the Events or the News page.
- No personal email or telephone numbers will be posted on announcements.
If you are sending an announcement on behalf of a group, you can use your <group> (for example: email address as contact. If you aren’t sending on behalf of a group contact and we’ll help you figure out a good alternative. - The photo policies are printed on the publicity form. Photos that comply with the policies will be published.
- Use of the text as submitted or use of the photograph or graphic is at the discretion of the Web Manager. You are promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION!
- The Web site is updated weekly.
Use the One-Stop process or email the Web Manager.
Group Email Lists: Announce, etc
Announce is the group email list for Church-wide announcements.
CRE Parents is the group email list for events related to children and families.
Pulpit Announcements (Sunday morning)
The deadline for Sunday pulpit announcements is the prior Friday at 5 pm.
In order to keep the Sunday service from starting with too many minutes of community announcements, causing eyes to glaze over and services to run late, several years ago the Sunday Morning Committee wisely set the limit at three spoken announcements. If there are more than three requests, priority goes to announcements that concern UUCPA activities, UUCPA fundraising, and/or social justice. They are each one sentence long.
Order of Service (Sunday Services)
The weekly order of service is a great place to publicize near-term events and announcements.
The deadline for Sunday Order of Service announcements is the prior Monday at 5 pm.