Bookstore and Used Book Room
Since 1955, the Book Store has opened on Sunday mornings in the Main Hall lobby. The store features books on spirituality, personal growth, religious education, and social action – many offered by the UUA publishers, Beacon Press and Skinner House. We also carry a selection of current literature and children’s books – often titles recommended by members and friends. Our Used Book Room is a convenient facility for balancing the inevitable accumulation of books we’ve finished reading with our insatiable yen for new literary adventure: just leave your outgrown volumes in the little closet off the Main Hall and replace them from a tantalizing fresh supply donated by other thrifty UUs and resold at very reasonable prices.
Date/Time: The bookstore is open on most Sunday’s for ½ hour before and after service. The bookstore will be closed on most 3rd Sundays of the month. Even on those days, the Used Book area will still be open for browsing
Location: Main Hall Lobby
Contact: Marilyn Stoddard (
If you arranged with Marilyn to purchase a book and wish to pay for it online, please use this Paypal donation button: