Podcast: Sermons

Abolishing Cages: Journey to Community

The Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity is engaging communities of faith in the movement to close prisons and detention centers, and create thriving communities based in racial equity and community care. Rev. Lee will share a frontline report from the Pilgrimage to Heal our Communities … read more.

When the Veil is Thinnest

Traditions such as the Day of the Dead (native to Mexico) and the pagan holy day Samhain (pr. SAH-win), now aka All Hallows Eve or Halloween, suggest the veil between earthly life and the spirit world is thinnest this time of year. So this autumn … read more.

The Mend Times

Mythologist Michael Meade states that despite all the religious and secular chatter about the environmental crisis heralding the proverbial “End Times,” what actually ends are our formative cultural narratives, and the civilizations built on them. The world goes on… and our great work is to … read more.

The Door is Round and Open

This Sunday we explore some spiritual wisdom from the great Sufi mystical poet Rumi, including his amiable yet profound urgings to unearth and express our soul-essence.

Worship Leader: Rev. Peter Farriday

Story for All Ages: Beth Nord

Special Music: Martin Manley, Piano

Follow along in the order of service … read more.

Buddhism Beyond the Binary

Yeshe Tsogyal (c. 757 or 777 – 817 CE) attained enlightenment in her lifetime and is considered the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism. When she herself asked about “her inferior female body” (a common theme in the biographies of female spiritual practitioners), her teacher advised Yeshe … read more.

Encountering Prayer

While in many religions prayer is among the most common forms of spiritual practice, many Unitarian Universalists pray little or not at all. This Sunday surveys various aspects of prayer, and its potential place in our spiritual lives.

Worship Leader: Rev. Peter Farriday

Special music: Margaret Davis and … read more.

Driving While White

Most of us pride ourselves in not being racist but it could be argued that racism exists on a continuum on which we all reside. Join us on 9/17 when UUCPA member Tom Parker discusses the grey areas, the more difficult, challenging, and sometimes subtle … read more.

Divisions, and We Visions

In this era of deep divisions, plumbing those depths can help us better comprehend the underlying dynamics at work. This allows us to respond creatively and effectively, thus empowering inclusive “we visions” that will help birth a more just and sustainable society.

Swimming Against the Current

In the series Why Do We Do That in the Sunday Service?, we come to the sermon.

We inherited our service format from the Protestant Christian tradition from which Unitarian Universalism is descended. It has been affectionately or pejoratively nicknamed “the sermon sandwich.” The sermon, in … read more.

Good Words for Going Forth

Please note that both services will be held indoors (with patio seating always an option) due to the chilly temperatures expected.

In this sermon, part of the series, “Why Do We Do That In the Sunday Service?,” we look at the circuitous history, and multiple meanings, … read more.