Events - 12 Jan 25

Sunday School for children and youth preK through grade 8 - Children's Chapel
Because we believe in learning by doing, a very important part of our religious education is participation, with all ages, in the first part of [...]

2nd Sunday Lunch
Join us for Second Sunday Lunch, a home-cooked, nutritious, delicious food for a very reasonable donation. We go through the buffet line in the Fireside [...]

Starting Point: A Group for Newcomers
Welcome to UUCPA! We’re glad you’re here. We want to get to know you and share the gifts of Unitarian Universalism. In this 4-week group, [...]

Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting
We are a Green Sanctuary Congregation and continue our active push toward being truly Green in our energy consumption. The Green Sanctuary Committee meets on [...]
Sacred Harp Shape Note Singing
Join the democratic and inclusive American song tradition of Sacred Harp music, one of the oldest ongoing music traditions in the United States. Rolling Stone [...]
OWL Grades 7-9
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a series of comprehensive and age-appropriate sexuality education curricula, developed jointly by the Unitarian Universalist Association and United Church of [...]
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