Events - 6 Sep 20

Hotel de Zink
Hotel de Zink is the name of a rotating homeless shelter that UUCPA participates in as one of our Justice Projects. During the month of [...]

Forum - The Pros and Cons of GMOs
Discussion Leader: Janet Buelow
If group gatherings are still not allowed, the Forum will meet via online video conference. The link will be emailed to members of If you aren’t already in that group (or if you aren’t sure), please request to join by 9 pm Saturday evening for the next day’s meeting info by sending an email to

Sunday Meditation
Date: Every Sunday Time: 9:30 - 10:25 on the weeks when UUCPA has only one service Location: Online Leader: Eric Bier Contact: Marilyn Austin (sundaymeditation@uucpa) This meditation opportunity is open [...]
No Sunday School
We won't have Sunday School classes today due to the Labor Day holiday. Regular Sunday school starts next week, September 13. Please register!

Healing the Divide
Healing the Divide – September 6, 1:00pm Healing the Divide is a UUCPA group that formed after the 2016 election to ask: 1) what do [...]
Harmonic Circle
UUCPA is closed to in-person events, however, Harmonic Circle will continue to meet. Different people are hosting. It will be held weekly on Sundays, 2-4 [...]

Virtual Get-Out-the-Vote (Vote Forward) Letter Writing Party
Every Sunday: 3:30-5:00pm (through September 27th) Prepare “Get-Out-the-Vote” letters to infrequent voters in key states with Kristi Iverson You’re not “writing” an entire letter but [...]
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